Daca esti curios (sau curioasa) ce am mai gatit in ultima vreme, iata, ridic capacul cratitei si poti sa savurezi (cu imaginatia) aroma unui orez salbatic cu legume, o combinatie de ingrediente care imi place mult! Orezul salbatic, folosit in multe retete asiatice, este foarte sanatos si cu un gust deosebit – are o usoara aroma de nuca. Este un aliment ideal nu numai pentru viitoarele mame, ci pentru toata familia, pentru ca este o sursa buna de vitamine si minerale si confera energie. Ca garnitura, in salate sau ca fel principal, asa cum l-am preparat eu, orezul salbatic este delicios – mult mai bun decat orezul alb si chiar decat cel brun! Iar pentru sanatatea femeilor insarcinate iata ce beneficii aduce:
1. Orezul salbatic contine o cantitate aproape dubla de proteine fata de orezul bun, iar, dupa cum se stie, femeile insarcinate au nevoie de multe proteine (mai ales cele care nu suporta carnea, cum este cazul meu).
2. Este foarte bogat in antioxidanti, care ne intaresc imunitatea si ne feresc de boli!
3. Contine acid folic, fosfor si zinc, asa ca doctorul ti-l va recomanda cu siguranta daca esti insarcinata. Iar daca nu esti, tot vei beneficia de energia pe care ti-o furnizeaza aceste minerale si te vei bucura de oase mai puternice.
4. Este excelent pentru digestie, pentru ca are multe fibre. Nu numai femeile insarcinate, ci si cei care au o digestie lenta vor constata imediat o ameliorare a tranzitului intestinal.
5. Este mai sarac in calorii fata de orice alt tip de orez si chiar recomandat in diete! In plus, scade si colesterolul „rau”.
6. Contine vitaminele A, C si E, dar si B3, B6, B9 si este bogat in fier si magneziu. Ce ne-am putea dori mai mult de la un aliment?
7. Poate iti e greu sa crezi, insa orezul salbatic este recomandat in combaterea depresiei si a starilor de irascibilitate, in insomnii si epuizare. Deci este bun pentru femeile insarcinate, pentru cei surmenati sau persoanele care vor sa se reincarce cu energie.
De-asta spuneam ca orezul salbatic este bun pentru toata familia. Tu cum il prepari?
300 g orez salbatic
2 frunze telina (apio)
1 ardei rosu
2 catei usturoi
3 linguri ulei maslline
1 dovlecel
250 ml lapte de cocos (conserva)
1 lingurita cardamon
1/2 lingurita praf ghimbir
sare si piper
Se pune orezul la fiert in apa pt 10 min. Intre timp se pune uleiul de masline intr-o tigaie si se adauga usturoiul, ardeiul, apio taiate marunt. Dupa ce se rumenesc putin se amesteca cu orezul care trebuie sa fie fiert de 10 min. Se adauga, cardamonul, sarea, piperul, ghimbirul si se amesteca bine. Pui laptele de cocos bine amestecat peste si dovlecelul taiat in cubulete. Se mai lasa pe foc aprox 10-15 min. La final adaugi sofranul. :)
EN: (google translate)
If you are curious what we have cooked lately, here, raise the lid of the saucepan and you can enjoy (with imagination) the aroma of a wild rice with vegetables, a combination of ingredients that I love! Wild rice, used in many Asian recipes, is very healthy and tasteful – it has a slight nutty flavor. It is an ideal food not only for future mothers, but for the whole family because it is a good source of vitamins and minerals and gives energy. As a garnish, in salads or as a main course, as I have prepared it, wild rice is delicious – much better than white rice and even the brown rice! And for the health of pregnant women, here’s what benefits it brings:
1. Wild rice contains almost double the amount of protein to good rice, and pregnant women, as we know, need a lot of protein (especially those that do not support the meat, as is the case).
2. It is very rich in antioxidants, which strengthens our immunity and prevents us from diseases!
3. Contains folic acid, phosphorus and zinc, so the doctor will definitely recommend it if you are pregnant. And if you are not, you will still benefit from the energy that these minerals supply and you will enjoy stronger bones.
4. It is excellent for digestion because it has many fiber. Not only pregnant women, but those who have a slow digestion will immediately find an improvement in intestinal transit.
5. It is deficient in calories compared to any other type of rice and even recommended in diets! In addition, cholesterol “bad” decreases.
6. Contains vitamins A, C and E, but also B3, B6, B9 and is rich in iron and magnesium. What could we want more from a food?
7. It may be hard to believe, but wild rice is recommended to combat depression and irritability, insomnia and exhaustion. So it’s good for pregnant women, surfeits or people who want to recharge.
That’s why we say wild rice is good for the whole family. How do you cook it?
300 g of wild rice
2 leaves celery (apio)
1 red pepper
2 garlic cloves
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 courted
250 ml coconut milk (canned)
1 teaspoon of cardamom
1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder
salt and pepper
Put the rice in boiled water for 10 minutes. In the meantime, add the olive oil to a pan and add the garlic, pepper, and pepper. After a little browning, mix with the rice to be boiled for 10 minutes. Add the cardamon, salt, pepper, ginger and mix well. Put the coconut milk well mixed over and the zucchini cut into cubes. Allow to stand for 10-15 min. Finally add the saffron. :)
3 thoughts on “Vertical Taste: Orez in stil asiatic cu lapte de cocos si sofran”
Cand va ajunge fetita la varsta diversificarii, vei vedea cate discutii sunt despre orez si cat de sanatos (sau nu) este el :)) nici eu nu stiam pana sa ajung in faza asta. Se spune ca arsenicul pe care il contine nu e deloc prietenos cu organismul nostru.
Te cred! :)
In Thailanda nu folosesc ulei de masline in mancare,