Te-ai simtit vreodata vulnerabila? Ai avut vreodata sentimentul ca nu esti pregatita sa mergi la un interviu pentru un job sau sa vorbesti in public? Stai linistita! E absolut normal! As vrea sa o cunosc si eu pe acea persoana care a avut incredere in ea in absolut toate situatiile cu care s-a intalnit in viata! Increderea in sine este o calitate indispensabila pentru o viata implinita. Dar, cred eu, ea se cultiva cu rabdare si in permanenta. Asta pentru ca viata are grija sa ne puna mereu in situatii noi, pe unele, poate, nici nu ni le-am fi imaginat! Asadar, pe ce ne bazam atunci? Pe unde „scoatem camasa”?
Astazi vreau sa-ti vorbesc despre increderea in sine, despre cum inteleg eu sa cultiv aceasta calitate atat de utila pentru dezvoltarea sanatoasa a personalitatii.
Dar de ce avem nevoie de incredere in noi? Este o vorba care spune ca increderea scazuta in fortele proprii e ca o condamnare pe viata. Foarte adevarat! Sa ne gandim ca avem de sustinut un examen oral, un interviu pentru job, o prezentare importanta, iar emotiile ne coplesesc. Oare sunt destul de bine pregatita? Daca imi pierd sirul ideilor? Ce situatii neprevazute pot aparea? Ei, asta este! Niciodata nu putem prevedea tot neprevazutul! Iar daca noi nu avem incredere in noi, de ce ar avea altii? Increderea nu se mimeaza. Chiar daca vom controla tot ce spunem, limbajul nonverbal ne va trada! Sa fim constiente ca fiecare dintre noi este unica. Avem insa nevoie de incredere in noi ca sa ne deschidem spre ceilalti si sa dezvaluim lucrul acesta.
Sa nu crezi insa ca eu nu am niciodata emotii legate de modul cum ma voi descurca in anumite situatii. Cum crezi ca m-am simtit la Yantai, cand am am castigat premiul Best TV Chef Book – Europe si a trebuit sa urc pe scena, in fata tuturor somitatilor din industria gastronomica, stiind ca nu ma reprezint numai pe mine, ci si tara mea? Sau, de curand, am fost invitata sa tin un speech motivational la o companie, sa vorbesc despre rutina mea zilnica, despre modul in care ma organizez si cum intampin provocarile care apar. Sunt obisnuita sa dau interviuri, sa apar pe scena, dar sa vorbesc liber pe un anumit subiect nu e o situatie cu care sa ma confrunt adesea.
Ce ne da incredere in noi? Stii vorba aceea „I’m very spontaneous but only if my hair looks good”? Sunt convinsa ca cele mai multe femei gandesc in felul acesta – suntem foarte spontane, dar numai daca ne sta parul bine! Imaginea este importanta pentru toata lumea, dar mai ales pentru noi, femeile. Avem nevoie sa ne simtim multumite de felul in care aratam ca sa transmitem un sentiment de incredere. Eu consider ca, din punctul acesta de vedere, femeile chiar au un atu. Insa treaba nu merge cu jumatati de masura. Trebuie sa dam feminitatii noastre tributul sau. Iar aceasta inseamna ingrijire. Fac sport, sunt atenta cu alimentatia, am grija de pielea si parul meu si stiu ca astfel voi putea face fata oricarei situatii noi cu care ma voi confrunta. Spre exemplu acum, de cand sunt insarcinata, stiu ca se petrec in corpul meu multe transformari. Ca atare, trebuie sa fiu mai atenta ca de obicei cu ingrijirea personala. Stiu ca scalpul poate deveni mai sensibil in timpul sarcinii, iar parul se poate ingrasa sau, din contra, sa fie tern, lipsit de stralucire. Nu am stat sa vad prin ce faza voi trece si „ce are de gand” parul meu!
I-am oferit ce stiu ca are nevoie, nutrientii necesari pentru a fi puternic si sanatos. Am facut asta avand grija la alimentatie si folosind intotdeauna sampon si balsam Pantene. In continuare, sunt fan 3 Minute Miracle, pentru ca are multe ingrediente care hidrateaza parul si previn degradarea. Si chiar, in ultima vreme, am primit o gramada de complimente legate de modul cum arata parul meu. Evident, mi-a facut placere. Cred ca nicio femeie nu ramane insensibila la lucrurile de genul asta.
Cum fac sa am incredere in mine? Folosesc, recunosc, anumite „trucuri”. Spre exemplu, ma simt mai bine daca port o camasa larga si nu neaparat ceva mulat pe mine. Ma simt mai bine daca port pantofi cu toc si daca am parul desfacut. Daca e o zi mohorata, folosesc un ruj mai aprins, pentru o nota suplimentara de energie si veselie. Evident, imi pregatesc tot ce vreau sa spun, imi ordonez ideile, insa, pe langa aceste lucruri, am grija si la imaginea mea prin cateva trucuri care ma ajuta sa ma simt bine cu mine insami.
Increderea in propria persoana trebuie sa vina natural, firesc. Nu trebuie sa ne fie frica de impas, de imperfect pentru ca suntem oameni si suntem construiti din emotii si sentimente. A avea incredere in tine inseamna a fi puternic si atunci cand esti puternica esti si frumoasa!
Asadar, chiar daca nu putem prevedea neprevazutul, ne putem pregati sa-l intampinam si, mai departe, fie ce-o fi! Eu asa procez. Tu cum depasesti situatiile in care te simti mai vulnerabila? Care sunt „trucurile” prin care-ti cultivi increderea in tine?
How do we become self-confident?
Have you ever felt vulnerable? Have you ever had the feeling that you are not ready to go to a job interview or to speak in public? Keep calm! It’s absolutely normal! I would like to know the person that was self-confident in every situation of her life. Self-confidence is an indispensable quality for a fulfilled life. But, I do believe, it is to be developed with patience and continuously. That is because life always puts us in new situations, some of which we would never imagine. So, what do we rely on in those situations? How do we come clean?
Today I want to talk to you about self-confidence, about how do I understand to “grow” this quality which is so useful for a healthy personality development.
But why do we need self-confidence? There is a saying that says: low self-confidence is like a life sentence. So true! Let’s think that we have to take an oral exam, to go to a job interview or to prepare an important presentation and our emotions overwhelm us. Am I prepared enough? What If I lose the flow of my ideas? What unexpected situations can appear? Well, that’s it then! We can never foresee the unexpected! And, if we do not trust ourselves why would others? Self-confidence can’t be feigned. Even if we will control everything we say, our body language will betray us. Let’s be aware that every single one of us is unique. We need however to believe in us so we can open ourselves towards others and reveal our uniqueness.
Nonetheless, do not believe that I never feel nervous regarding the way I will handle some situations. How do you believe I felt in Yantai when I won the Best TV Chef Book – Europe award and I had to go on stage in front of all the personalities of gastronomic industry knowing that I’m not only representing myself but my country as well? Or, recently, when I was invited to give a motivational speech about my day to day routine, about the way I organise myself and about the way I encounter the challenges that lies ahead. I’m used to give interviews, to be on stage, but to speak freely about a specific subject is not something I do often.
What makes us trust ourselves? You know the saying: „I’m very spontaneous but only if my hair looks good”? I’m convinced that most women think that way – we are very spontaneous but only if our hair looks good! Appearance is important for everyone, even more for us, women. We need to feel happy with the way we look so we can spread a feeling of confidence. I believe that from this point of view women really have an advantage. But the work can’t be completed with half-measures. We need to give to our femininity the tribute it owns. And that means to take care of us. I work out, I take care of my diet, I take care of my skin and my hair and I know that in this way I can face any new situation that I will encounter. For example, since I’m pregnant I know that my body goes through many transformations. Therefore, I need to be more careful with my personal care. I know that the scalp can be more sensitive during the pregnancy and my hair can become greasy or on the contrary it can become weaker and without brightness. I did not wait to see which of these stages I will go through and what is my hair planning to do! I offered my hair what I know it needs, nutrients necessary so it can be strong and healthy. I did that while taking care of my diet and always using Pantene shampoo and conditioner. I still am a huge fan of 3 Minute Miracle because it contains many ingredients that moisturize the hair and prevent damage. And yes, lately I received a lot of compliments about the way my hair looks. Of course, I enjoyed it. I believe that this kind of things leave no women indifferent.
How do I do to always be self-confident? I admit, I use some tricks. For example, I feel better if I wear a loose shirt and not necessarily something close-fitting. I feel better if I wear heels and if my hair is loose. If the day is gloomy, I use a brighter lipstick for some extra energy and joy. Of course, I prepare everything I’m about to say, I arrange my ideas, but beyond these things, I take care of my image with some tricks that helps me feel better with myself.
Self-confidence must come naturally and normally. We don’t need to be afraid of impasse, of imperfection because we are humans and we are built by emotions and feelings. To be self-confident means to be strong, and when you are strong you are beautiful! Therefore, even if we can‘t foresee the unexpected, we can prepare ourselves to encounter it and further then that come what my! This is how I do it. How do you overcome the situations when you feel more vulnerable? What are the tricks through which you develop your self-confidence?
4 thoughts on “Cum facem sa avem incredere in propria persoana”
Foarte bun articolul, iti multumesc :) chiar ma ajuta.
Ma bucur ca te ajuta! :)
Wow, Laura, parul tau arata intr-un mare fel! Tu si Andreea Ibacka aveti culori atat de naturale si de frumoase! :D
Multumesc! Sorin Sratulat se ocupa de culoarea parului meu :)