Pregatirile de dinaintea Galei Gopo 2018
Masaj la Thaico Spa in incinta Intercontinental
Make up Ina Raicu
Hairstyle Mugur Constantin (Thaico Spa in incinta Intercontinental Bucuresti)
Pauza de masa cu vedere la bulevardul Magheru  :)Â
Recunosc, mi-a fost dor de o zi ca cea de ieri. Am dedicat tot timpul rasfatului de dinaintea Galei Gopo 2018, ajunsa deja la cea de a XII-ea editie.
A fost o seara frumoasa, plina de umor, zambete si aplauze. Felicit din suflet toti participantii, dar mai ales castigatorii acestei editii. Imi place lumea filmului romanesc. Are carisma, auto ironie si este de calitate.
M-am bucurat ca ieri am avut si o zi dedicata mie asa ca imediat ce am ridicat rochia de la atelirul lui Stephan Pelger, am dat fuga la Intercontinetal la Thaico Spa unde eram programata la masajul prenatal de care pare ca am devenit dependenta :)).
Apoi m-am lasat pe mainile hair stilistului Mugur Cosntantin (pe care-l gasesti la salonul Thaico din incinta Intercontinetal Bucuresti) dar si pe mana bunei mele prietene Ina Raicu care mi-a facut un make-ul exact asa cum mi-am dorit!
Multumesc din suflet echipei cu care am lucrat si in mod deosebit lui Stephan Pelger care are grija intotdeuna de nevoile mele. Mi se pare ca Steph pune accentul pe feminitate asa cum putini designeri din tara o fac. Nu ma insel, nu-i asa ? :)
Inainte sa pornesc spre casa am luat masa cu vedere la bulevardul Magheru. A fost o zi de marti placuta, relaxanta, dar in final partea favorita a zilei a fost momentul in care m-am aflat  la bratul sotului meu, acopaniata in permanenta de miscarile micutei noastre. A fost perfect!
En: Thea Gavril
I admit, I missed having a day like yesterday. I dedicated all the time I had before the 2018 Gopo Gala (the 12th edition) to pampering myself.
It was a wonderful evening, filled with humour, happiness and applause. I want to congratulate from the bottom of my heart all the participants, but especially the winners of this edition. I like the world of the Romanian movie. It is charismatic, and it also involves self-irony and a high quality content.
I was glad to have a day I could dedicate to myself, so I picked up the dress from Stephan Pelger’s shop and rushed towards the Intercontinental hotel to be on time for my appointment at Thaico Spa. I have become addicted to their prenatal massage!
Then, I let myself on Mugur Constantin’s (a hair-stylist you can find at Thaico, inside the Intercontinental hotel) and Ina Raicu’s hands. She created the exact make-up I wanted!
I am deeply thankful for the team I worked with, especially Stephan Pelger, who always takes care of my needs. I believe that Steph accentuates our femininity in a way very few designers from Romania do. I’m not wrong, am I? 🙂
Before we set off, we had dinner at a restaurant with a view of Magheru boulevard. It was a nice, relaxing Tuesay, but my favourite part of the day has to be when I was holding my husband’s arm, permanently accompanied by our daughter’s kicks. It was perfect!
5 thoughts on “Gopo 2018”
Adorabila esti! Sa vezi ce minune frumoasa se va naste din combinatia voastra de gene :) tu blonda, el brunet, tu cu ochii albastri, el caprui… Sarcina usoara si multe bucurii in lunile astea iti doresc :)
Foarte frumusica <3
Nota 20!!! Te iubesc :DD
O tanara si gratioasa mamica !!! Fotografiile sunt superbe !
Te imbratisez cu drag. Bizzzzzz
WOw! esti superba!