Foto: Sorina Andreica
Zilele acestea, de inceput de martie, au fost pentru mine altfel decat in toti anii de pana acum. Am iubit intotdeauna sarbatoarea Martisorului, cu adierea ei de primavara, chiar daca anul acesta a fost iarna „cu dinti”! Si la fel, am asteptat cu emotie Ziua Femeii, care pentru mine este mai mult Ziua Mamei, ziua pe care o pregatesc indelung, gandindu-ma ce bucurie si surpriza sa-i fac mamei mele, cum sa-i multumesc si sa-i arat cat de mult o iubesc.
Iti spuneam ca anul acesta am trait zilele de inceput de martie altfel, cu o emotie noua, pentru ca fetita mea a schimbat totul. Voi fi la randul meu mama, lucrurile vor urma un alt curs, in primul rand pentru mine si Cosmin, dar si pentru cei din jur. Iata, mama mea va deveni bunica.:)
Incerc sa fiu foarte disciplina in perioada sarcinii, sa iau lucrurile pas cu pas, insa in aceste zile a fost mai greu decat de obicei sa imi stapanesc imaginatia. Imi trecea prin cap gandul ca „ce bine ca voi avea fetita, va purta si ea martisoare”. Iar de Ziua Mamei oare cum va fi? Mi-am amintit ce a insemnat 8 martie pana acum pentru mine. Cum am incercat sa ii arat mamei dragostea pe care i-o port in cele mai diverse moduri, nu numai daruindu-i o floare sau orice altceva, ci si avand grija de sanatatea ei, ducand-o la un control. Asta pentru ca preventia mi se pare foarte importanta. Mi-au trecut prin cap flash-uri cu fiica mea, peste ani, daruindu-mi desene simpatice, de 8 Martie, asa cum faceam eu cu mama sau luandu-ma de mana si ducandu-ma la doctor in timp ce imi explica cat de important este pentru ea sa ma stie sanatoasa – asa cum am procedat si eu cu mama mea. La gandul acesta m-a invadat un val de emotie care mi-a adus lacrimi in ochi. Mi se pare coplesitor!
Pe fondul acesta, atat de incarcat emotional, am fost la Femme Boutique Medical, pentru morfologia celui de al doilea trimestru, o analiza foarte importanta. Am fost impreuna cu Cosmin, bineinteles, pentru ca sotul meu nu a lipsit pana in acest moment de la nicio ecografie. E firesc sa vrea sa stie ce face fetita lui acolo. A fost o experienta minunata, pentru ca, asa cum spunea si doctorita mea, Dorina Codreanu, am vazut-o pe cea mica intr-o forma cat se poate de … perfecta. :) Lucrul acesta mi-a facut foarte bine si m-a adus cumva „cu picioarele pe pamant”. E foarte important sa ai langa tine medicul potrivit in aceasta perioada. Eu merg la Dorina Codreanu de vreo 8 ani, daca nu si mai bine si imi place pentru ca este exact genul meu de medic – relaxat, care nu ma indoapa cu medicamente si nici nu ma cheama de o suta de ori la ecografie. O urmez oriunde merge si am fost incantata sa descopar ce aparatura performanta au la Femme Boutique Medical, unde am fost acum. Este o clinica eleganta, unde te simti ca-n casa unor prieteni, nu ca la doctor si folosesc aparatura de ultima generatie. Spre exemplu, am putut sa o vedem atat de bine pe cea mica, mi-a explicat doctorita Ioana Dragan, care mi-a facut morfologia, pentru ca au folosit ecograful Voluson E10, care este liderul la aceasta ora in materie de ecografe. Iar pentru screening prenatal se foloseste software-ul Astraia, noninvaziv, care are o rata de o detecție a anomaliilor de peste 95%, adica este aparatura cu cea mai inalta precizie in acest moment.
Am plecat de-acolo fericiti si eu si Cosmin, cu un sentiment de incredere si siguranta. Vreau sa stiu ca fetita mea este pe maini bune si, desi pare incredibil, incet, incet, vine si clipa in care o vom intalni pe ea, micuta noastra!
Asadar, luna martie este luna femeii, luna in care trebuie sa avem grija de noi si de femeile importante din viata noastra, sa ne rasfatam, sa oferim si sa primim flori, sa mergem la spa, sa zambim, sa iubim dar mai ales sa fim iubite. Dincolo de frumusetea si emotia acestui inceput de primavara, este important sa stim ca suntem bine si sanatoase!
Pentru tine ce inseamna zilele acestea de inceput de martie?
Multumesc pentru foto, Sorina Andreica!
Femme Boutique Medical se afla pe Aleea Alexandru 35, contact 0749.089.890
Ii gasesti pe Facebook , dar si pe Instagram.
EN: (google translate)
These days, beginning in March, have been different to me than in all the years so far. I always loved Martisor’s celebration, with her spring adage, even though this year was a “teeth” winter! And so I’ve been excited for the Women’s Day, which for me is more Mother’s Day, the day I prepare for a long time, thinking what a joy and surprise to do to my mother, how to thank and give them I show how much I love her.
I was telling you that this year I lived the other days in March with a new emotion because my little girl changed everything. I will be my mother, things will follow another course, first of all for me and Cosmin, but also for the others. Behold, my mother will become a grandmother.
I tried to be very disciplined during the pregnancy, to take things step by step, but these days it was harder than I usually to master my imagination. I was thinking that “well, I will have a little girl, she will also wear a martisor”. And on Mother’s Day how will it be? I remember what meant March 8 so far for me. How did I try to show my mother the love I use in the most diverse ways, not only by giving her a flower or anything but taking care of her health, leading her to control. That’s because prevention seems very important to me. I had headaches with my daughter over the years, giving me sympathetic drawings on March 8, as I did with my mother or taking my hand and taking me to a doctor while explaining how it’s important for her to know me healthily – with my mother. At my thoughts, a wave of emotion invaded me that brought tears to my eyes. I find it overwhelming!
Against this background, so emotionally loaded, I was at Femme Boutique Medical, for the second quarter of morphology, a very important analysis. I was with Cosmin, of course, because my husband has not missed so far from any ultrasound. It’s natural to know what his little girl does. It was a wonderful experience because, as my doctor, Dorina Codreanu, said, I saw the little one in a perfect … perfect way. :) This has done me very well and has somehow brought me “with my feet on the ground”. It is very important that you have the right doctor near you during this period. I have been going to Dorina Codreanu for about 8 years, if not better and I like it because it’s just my kind of doctor – relaxed, who does not indoctrinate me with drugs and does not call me a hundred times to ultrasound. I follow her wherever she goes and I was delighted to find out what performance devices they have at Femme Boutique Medical, where I was now.
It’s an elegant clinic, where you feel like in the house of friends, not as a doctor and using the latest generation of devices. For example, we were able to see the little one so well, explained doctor Ioana Dragan, who made my morphology because they used the Voluson E10 ultrasound, the leading ultrasound driver at this time. And for prenatal screening, the Astraia software, noninvasive, has an anomaly detection rate of over 95%, that is, the highest precision device at this time.
I left Cosmic and I, happily, with a sense of confidence and security. I want to know that my little girl is in good hands and, although it seems incredible, slowly, there comes the moment we meet her, our little one!
So, March is the month of the woman, the month in which we have to take care of us and the important women in our lives, to spoil, to offer and receive flowers, to go to the spa, to smile, to love, but especially to be loved. Beyond the beauty and emotion of this early spring, it is important to know that we are good and healthy!
For you what these days of early March mean?
Thanks for the photo, Sorina Andreica!
Femme Boutique Medical is located on Aleea Alexandru 35, contact 0749.089.890
You can find them on Facebook, but also on Instagram.
4 thoughts on “Jurnal de Sarcina: 8 Martie”
Buna, imi poti spune te rog de unde ai cerceii albastri din poza de pe facebook? Multumesc si numai bine!
Ce graviduta frumoasa! :)
Pentru mine 8 Martie a fost special pentru ca atunci fetita noastra s-a gandit sa imi faca un cadou special. Si anume, sa simt primele miscari. Au fost ca niste bule de aer asa. Oricum ziua incepuse bine pentru ca dupa 3 nopti nedormite s-a gandit sa ma lase sa dorm. 😊 Sarcina usoara! Sa fim sanatoase!
Radiezi de fericire!La multi ani viitoare mamica!La multi ani,femeie!Sper ca ai avut o zi minunata ca tine.Eu am sarbatorit astazi la dublu….ziua mea de nastere si ziua femeii 😚😚