Eu sunt un mare fan al smoothie-urilor! Mi se par o gustare sanatoasa, satioasa, iar gustul este absolut delicios. Am studiat multe retete de-a lungul timpului si am inventat altele. Partea buna e ca intr-un smoothie poti adauga toate ingredientele pe care le preferi si care stii ca iti fac bine. Din aceasta cauza prefer sa mi le prepar singura, acasa, pentru ca astfel stiu foarte bine ce consum. Uneori imi prepar smoothie-urile in functie de ce simt ca are organismul meu nevoie in acel moment, alteori doar pentru placerea gustului. Smoothie-ul este o bautura sanatoasa daca adaugam ce trebuie in el. Spun asta pentru ca unele ingrediente il pot transforma intr-o bomba calorica, iar efectul sa fie contrar celui dorit, iar altele pur si simplu nu se mixeaza. Am sintetizat mai jos pentru tine ce trebuie sa contina un smoothie pe care ni-l dorim sanatos si ce nu.
Ce trebuie sa contina un smoothie?
1. Proteinele sunt necesare pentru sistemul muscular si ne ajuta sa ne simtim satui pentru mai multa vreme. 30 de gr de proteine dintr-o sursa sanatoasa adaugate intr-un smoothie vor face din acesta gustarea ideala. Putem folosi iaurt grecesc, lapte de soia sau kefir si vom obtine un smoothie sanatos si foarte gustos.
2. Grasimile sanatoase ajuta la sanatatea sistemului cardiovascular asa ca ar fi bine sa se regaseasca in smoothie-ul pe care ti-l prepari. Daca nu ai adaugat deja iaurt, spre exemplu, cu un continut modic de grasime poti incorpora in smoothie avocado sau unt de arahide.
3. In cantitate rezonabila, carbohidratii nu ne afecteaza nici sanatatea, nici silueta. Sa ne limitam asadar la o singura banana pentru smoothie-ul pe care-l preparam sau la un sfert de cana de fulgi de ovaz. Nici fructele tropicale nu trebuie folosite fara masura.
4. Daca in mod obisnuit nu esti un mare fan al verdeturilor si legumelor, dar stii ca trebuie consumate pentru beneficiile asupra sanatatii, le poti adauga intr-un smoothie, in orice cantitate doresti. Probabil mai putin la inceput, apoi poti creste treptat cantitatea. Frunzele de spanac si kale, morcovii, varza, rosiile si conopida vor adauga un plus de vitamine si minerale la smoothie-ul pe care-l prepari.
5. O lingurita de seminte de in, chia sau canepa adaugate in smoothie iti vor oferi o portie de vitamine si fibre, dar si acizi grasi Omega 3. Ai grija insa cand adaugi seminte de chia sa bei smoothie-ul imediat. Asta pentru ca vor absorbi mare parte din lichid si totul va capata consistenta unui jeleu.
Ce nu trebuie sa contina un smoothie?
1. Este bine să echilibrăm conținutul unui smoothie adaugand pe langa fructe si verdeturi bogate in celuloza sau unele legume. Cateva frunze de spanac incorporate intr-un smoothie de fructe vor da prospetime gustului si ne vor ajuta sanatatea. Insa, unele vegetale cu structura fibroasa, ca telina, feniculul, mazarea sau fasolea verde nu se mixeaza bine asa incat recomandabil este sa le inlocuim cu altceva.
2. Iaurtul cu arome are mult zahar in compozitie. Daca iti doresti un smoothie sanatos este mai bine sa renunti la varianta aceasta. Pentru proteinele si calciul pe care-l contin, dar si pentru textura cremoasa pe care o confera, iaurtul este un ingredient potrivit pentru smoothie. Alege asadar un iaurt cu un continut mediu de grasime, de 2% spre exemplu. Iar daca este probiotic cu atat mai bine!
3. Daca vrem sa subtiem consistenta smoothie-ului si sa-i conferim un gust mai dulce sub nicio forma nu trebuie sa adaugam o mare cantitate de suc de fructe. Nu vom face altceva decat sa obtinem o bomba calorica! Cea mai buna optiune este apa. Insa, daca tinem neaparat la acest ingredient, il putem adauga intr-o cantitate mica, aproximativ un sfert de ceasca. Fructele din smoothie au suficient suc.
4. Pudrele proteice pot fi o modalitate de a spori continutul de proteine al unui smoothie. Insa trebuie sa citesti cu atentie ce contine un astfel de produs, pentru ca multe au in componenta si zahar sau alte ingrediente super procesate. Varianta ideala e sa alegi o pudra proteica cu cel putin 20 de gr de proteine si mai putin de 5 gr de carbohidrati per portie.
5. Zaharul sau indulcitorii artificiali nu au ce cauta intr-un smoothie, pentru ca am transforma o bautura sanatoasa prin definitie intr-o bomba calorica. E adevarat ca indulcitorii artificiali sunt saraci in calorii, dar aceasta se intampla pentru ca nu pot fi digerati. Daca ii consumam in cantitate mare si constant ne vom balona, iar metabolismul va fi dat peste cap. Alege mai bine o varianta sanatoasa, ca sunt destule. O lingurita de miere (adevarata) va indulci smoothie-ul si in plus are efect antibacterian si este plina de antioxidanti.
Tie iti plac smoothie-urile? Iti pregatesti acasa?
EN (google translate)
I’m a big fan of smoothie! I feel like a healthy, satiated snack, and the taste is absolutely delicious. I have studied many recipes over time and invented others. The good part is that in a smoothie you can add all the ingredients you prefer and that you know I’m doing well. That’s why I prefer to prepare my own, at home, because that’s how they know what they eat. Sometimes I make my smoothies depending on how I feel my body needs at that time, sometimes just for the pleasure of taste. Smoothie is a healthy drink if you add to it. I say this because some ingredients can turn it into a caloric bomb, and the effect is contrary to the one you want, and others just do not mix. We synthesized below for you what a smoothie that we want healthy and what not.
What should a smoothie contain?
1. Proteins are needed for the muscular system and help us feel sat down for a long time. 30 grams of protein from a healthy source added in a smoothie will make it an ideal snack. We can use Greek yoghurt, soy milk or kefir and we will get a healthy and very tasty smoothie.
2. Healthy fats help the health of the cardiovascular system so it would be good to find yourself in the smoothie you are preparing. If you have not already added yogurt, for example, with a low fat content, you can incorporate avocado or peanut butter into smoothie.
3. In a reasonable amount, carbohydrates do not affect either our health or the silhouette. Let’s limit ourselves to a single banana for the smoothie we prepare or a quarter of a cup of oatmeal. Neither tropical fruits should be used without measure.
4. If you are not usually a big fan of greens and vegetables, but you know they need to be consumed for health benefits, you can add them to a smoothie in whatever quantity you want. Probably less at first, then you can gradually increase the amount. Leaves of spinach and kale, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes and cauliflower will add extra vitamins and minerals to the smoothie you prepare.
5. A teaspoon of flax, chia or hemp seeds added to the smoothie will give you a serving of vitamins and fiber, but also Omega 3 fatty acids. But be careful when adding chia seeds to drink smoothie immediately. That’s because they will absorb much of the liquid and everything will get the consistency of a jelly.
What should not contain a smoothie?
1. It is good to balance the content of a smoothie adding fruit and vegetables rich in pulp or some vegetables. Some spinach leaves embedded in a smoothie of fruit will give freshness to the taste and will help our health. However, some plant fibers with fibrous structure such as celery, fennel, peas or green beans do not mix well, so it is advisable to replace them with something else.
2. Flavored yoghurt has a lot of sugar in the composition. If you want a healthy smoothie it is better to give up this option. For the proteins and calcium it contains, but also for the creamy texture it gives, yogurt is a good ingredient for smoothie. So choose a yogurt with an average fat content of 2% for example. And if it’s probiotic the better!
3. If we want to thin the consistency of smoothie and give it a sweet taste in any form we do not have to add a large quantity of fruit juice. We will do nothing but get a caloric bomb! The best option is water. But if we keep this ingredient, we can add it in a small amount, about a quarter of a cup. Smoothie fruits have enough juice.
4. Protein powders can be a way to increase the protein content of a smoothie. But you have to read carefully what contains such a product, because many also contain sugar and other super-processed ingredients. The ideal option is to choose a protein powder with at least 20 grams of protein and less than 5 grams of carbohydrate per serving.
5. Sugar or artificial sweeteners have nothing to look for in a smoothie, because we transform a healthy drink by definition into a caloric bomb. It is true that artificial sweeteners are poor in calories, but this happens because they can not be digested. If we consume them in a large quantity and constantly we will balloon, and the metabolism will be overwhelmed. Choose better a healthy option, that is enough. A teaspoon of honey (true) will sweeten smoothie and additionally has antibacterial effect and is full of antioxidants.
Do you like the smoothies? Are you getting ready at home?
7 thoughts on “Ce trebuie sa contina un smoothie?!”
Azi dimineata am facut un smoothie verde cu varza kale. A iesit super :)
Si eu obisnuiesc sa-mi fac des smoothie-uri. Imi place mult cel cu castravete si kiwi, e preferatul meu. :)
Da! Delicios :)
Chiar ieri mi-a comandat un Smoothie Maker.In cateva zile trebuie sa imi ajung,nu mai am rabdare.Ador sa beau Smoothie 😍😍
Dragă Laura ne poți da doua, trei exemple de smoothie cu iaurt, banane sau verdeața? Mulțumesc anticipat și de articol,zi frumoasă!
Iubesc smoothie-urile si sucurile facute in storcatorul de fructe. Smoothie-ul meu preferat contine: o banana, spanac, 2-3 capsuni lapte de soya sau migdale seminte de chia si in plus spirulina.