Gasesti volmul aici!
Astazi este o zi speciala pentru mine, o zi de sarbatoare plina de amintiri frumoase si emotii, de chipuri zambitoare si recunostinta, o zi in care un vis de-al meu a devenit realitate, insa a depasit si orice inchipuire. Se implinesc azi 4 ani de cand a fost lansat „Rămai la masa?”, debutul meu editorial, prima mea carte de „retete de suflet pentru cei dragi” si debutul unei aventuri care e departe sa se fi incheiat. Iar sarbatoarea de astazi vreau sa ti-o dedic si tie, celui/celei care ai primit cu entuziasm acest volum, te-ai lasat inspirata de el si mi-ai daruit atat de multe bucurii prin aprecierile tale.
„Ramai la masa?” a fost intotdeauna un proiect de suflet pentru mine insa niciodata nu m-am gandit ca imi va aduce atat de multe satisfactii, de toate felurile. S-a nascut din pasiunea pentru arta culinara si bucuria de a-i vedea pe cei dragi zambind, in jurul mesei. „Ramai la masa?” este pentru mine un fel de „dragostea-n bucate” si sunt foarte fericita ca mesajul cartii a fost interpretat atat de exact de cititori. Iti spuneam, in momentul lansarii cartii, ca „dragostea sta uneori in gesturi marete, in promisiuni, in „extraordinar”, dar, in cazul meu, lucrurile marunte fac diferenta”. Iar cand spun asta ma refer la toate acele gesturi de zi cu zi care ne fac viata mai frumoasa. Nimeni nu cred ca are parte de intamplari marete, extraordinare, in fiecare zi. Insa, micile bucurii adunate pot forma imaginea unei vieti fericite. Iar prin „Ramai la masa?” asta am vrut sa daruiesc cititorilor mei.
Trei tiraje ale acestui volum au fost deja epuizate, iar cartea a ajuns in casele multor romani. Am lansat „Ramai la masa?” impreuna cu prietenii in urma cu trei ani, pe 5 martie, iar acum am o gramada de noi prieteni prin intermediul ei. Brasov, Tg Mures, Cluj, Bucuresti, Iasi si Chisinau au fost cateva dintre orasele din tara in care m-am intalnit cu cititorii interesati de retete de suflet, rapide, savuroase si ingenioase (imi place sa cred). Am fost in al noualea cer cand am primit, in tara, doua premii pentru aceasta carte – unul pentru „ Efervescenta si stil care inspira” de la Peroni si altul pentru „Cel mai ambitios proiect culinar” de la Radar de Media.
Insa, surprizele pe care mi le-a pregatit cartea mea de suflet au fost coplesitoare! La festivitatea de decernare a premiilor Gourmand World Cookbook am crezut ca voi lesina cand am auzit numele meu, apoi Romania si „Ramai la masa?”. A fost magic momentul cand am primit, la Yantai, in China, premiul Best TV Chef Book – Europe, unul dintre cele mai prestigioase din domeniu, tinand cont ca acesta este cel mai mare eveniment pentru cartile de gastronomie din lume, iar premiile Gourmand sunt practic cele care au creat industria cartilor de bucate. Imi aduc aminte si acum ce emotionata eram la discursul de multumire, ce mica ma simteam pe scena in fata acelor titani ai industriei acesteia. „Sunt foarte emotionata si surprinsa de acest premiu, multumesc Gourmand pentru sansa acordata, sunt mandra sa reprezint Romania si as vrea sa-i dedic acest premiu viitorului meu sot” – asta imi amintesc ca am spus. Iata cate se pot intampla in 3 ani – atunci vorbeam de viitorul meu sot, iar acum asteptam si un copil! :)
Am calatorit in acelasi an alaturi de „Ramai la masa?” la Targul de carte de la Frankfurt, care in cifre arata cam asa: peste un sfert de milion de vizitatori anual, expozanti din mai mult de 100 de tari, peste 4000 de evenimente si in jur de 9000 de jurnalisti acreditati! Am facut demonstratii de cooking in fata celor mai renumiti publisheri din lume si am avut ocazia sa cunosc chefi faimosi. Anul urmator am fost invitata din nou la Targul de carte de la Frankfurt, iar „Ramai la masa?” a obtinut locul al doilea la festivitatea „Best of The Best 20 Gourmand Anniversary”. Am fost din nou printre cei mai buni! Ideea unui nou proiect, „Vertical Taste”, show-ul meu de cooking online, a aparut firesc in acest context. In urma cu doi ani, am avut ocazia sa prezint „Ramai la masa?” si Vertical Taste la „Beijing Book Fair 2016”, Targul de carte de la Beijing, ca invitata de onoare si reprezentata a Europei Centrale si de Est. A fost o experienta foarte interesanta si aceasta. Spre exemplu, aici l-am cunoscut si am gatit alaturi de Xu Long, bucatarul numarul 1 al Chinei. Chiar am primit in dar de la el cartile sale despre ierburi si mirodenii si i-am facut si eu cadou loboda, leustean si un facalet aduse din Romania – fiecare cu specificul sau national!
Nu incetez nici acum sa-I multumesc lui Dumnezeu pentru tot ce am trait prin intermediul acestui volum si iti sunt recunoscatoare si tie, pentru ca satisfactia unei carti nu este niciodata deplina fara interactiunea cu cititorii ei.
Ei, si acum vreau sa te mai anunt ceva: cat de curand, anul acesta, vei putea tine in maini cel de-al doilea volum de retete pe care-l voi publica. Are un concept surprinzator (si cuprinzator, as zice) in sensul in care nu este o simpla carte de bucate, ci o invitatie sa integram in vietile noastre toate acele lucruri care ne fac zilele mai frumoase. Vei fi surprins(a) sa constati cate valori pot fi conexe cu hrana noastra cea de toate zilele. Exista insa si un punct comun cu „Ramai la masa?”. Si in acest al doilea volum este vorba despre „dragostea-n bucate” – dragostea de frumos si o stare de bine, dragostea impartasita de oameni stransi in jurul mesei, pasiunea de a oferi si multumirea de a primi in dar.
Pe tine te-a inspirat „Ramai la masa?” Ai incercat retete din cartea mea? :)
EN (google translate)
Today is a special day for me, a day of celebration full of beautiful memories and emotions, smiling faces and gratitude, a day when a dream of mine has become reality, but has surpassed any imagination. They are celebrating 4 years since the release of “Lunch at the table”, my first editorial debut, my first book of “soul recipe for loved ones” and the onset of an adventure that is far from over. And today’s celebration I want to dedicate to you, to the one who enthusiastically received this volume, you left it inspired and you gave me so much joy by your appreciation.
“Stay at the table?” Has always been a soul project for me, but I never thought it would bring me so much satisfaction, of all kinds. He was born out of passion for culinary art and the joy of seeing his loved ones smiling around the table. “Are you at the table?” Is for me a kind of “love in dishes” and I am very happy that the message of the book has been interpreted so precisely by readers. I was telling you when the book was released that “love sometimes is in great gestures, in promises, in” extraordinary, “but in my case, small things make a difference.” And when I say that I mean all those everyday gestures that make our life more beautiful. No one thinks it has big, extraordinary happenings every day. However, the little joys gathered can shape the image of a happy life. And by “Staying at the table?” That’s what I wanted to give my readers.
Three volumes of this volume have already been exhausted and the book has reached the homes of many Romanians. We released “Stay at the table?” With friends three years ago, on March 5, and now I have a bunch of new friends through her. Brasov, Tg Mures, Cluj, Bucharest, Iasi and Chisinau were some of the cities in the country where I met with readers interested in quick, savory and ingenious recipes (I like to believe). I was in the ninth heaven when I received two awards for this book in the country – one for Peroni’s “Euphoria and style that inspires”, and another for “The Most Ambitious Culinary Project” at Radar de Media.
I traveled the same year with “Stay at the table” at the Frankfurt Book Fair, which looks like this: over a quarter of a million visitors a year, exhibitors from more than 100 countries, over 4000 events and around 9,000 accredited journalists! I made cooking demonstrations in front of the most famous publishers in the world and I had the chance to meet famous chefs. Next year, I was invited to the Frankfurt Book Fair again, and “Stay at the table?” Won second place at the Best of The Best 20 Gourmand Anniversary. I was again among the best! The idea of a new project, “Vertical Taste,” my online cooking show, appeared naturally in this context. Two years ago, I had the opportunity to introduce “Stay at the table” and Vertical Taste at the Beijing Book Fair 2016 Beijing Book Fair as a guest of honor and representation of Central and Eastern Europe. It was a very exciting experience. For example, here I met and cooked alongside Xu Long, China’s No. 1 chef. I even received from him his books about herbs and spices and I also made a gift of loboda, leustean and a faculty brought from Romania – each with its national specificity! I do not cease now to thank God for all that I have been through this volume and I am grateful to you too, because the satisfaction of a book is never full without the interaction with its readers.
Well, and now I want to let you know: as early as this year, you can hold the second volume of recipes that I will publish. It has a surprising (and comprehensive, I say) concept in the sense that it is not a simple cookbook, but an invitation to integrate into our lives all those things that make us the most beautiful days. You will be surprised to find out how many values can be related to our daily food. But there is also a common point with “Stay at the table?” And in this second volume, it is about “love in dishes” – the love of beauty and a state of well-being, the love shared by people around the table, the passion to offer and the satisfaction to receive in the gift.
He inspired you “Stay at the table?” Did you try recipes from my book? :)
2 thoughts on “4 ani de cand am lansat invitatia: “Ramai la masa?””
Super cartea si retetele, Laura! Cele pe care le-am incercat si eu au fost primite cu mult entuziasm. Cu ocazia asta am auzit si incercat niste ingrediente pe care nu le-as fi bagat in seama in mod normal:) Plus ca sunt super sanatoase!
Ma bucur mult ca te-am inspirat cu retele mele. Sper sa-ti placa si noul volum. Va fi diferit si mesajul cred ca va fi mai puternic. :)