Suntem in timpul postului si aud multa lume plangandu-se ca „nu prea ai ce sa mananci”, „nimic nu e satios” sau „in post e mancarea mai proasta”. Nu sunt de acord cu niciuna dintre aceste afirmatii. De ce nu am avea ce manca daca eliminam carnea, branza si ouale? Raman legumele, iar in postul Craciunului se mananca mult peste (aproape in fiecare sambata si duminica). Si fructele de mare pot fi o optiune. Si putem spune ca nu este satioasa o portie de fasole batuta cu muraturi sau niste sarmale cu orez, ciuperci si seminte de floarea soarelui? Eu cred ca mancarea de post poate fi si variata si foarte gustoasa. Ce e este mai dificil este sa ne iesim din obisnuintele de zi cu zi, inclusiv cele culinare. Sa mancam nu numai ce ne place, ci si ceea ce face bine – trupului si sufletului. Dar cu ocazia asta corpul se mai curata de toxine, iar nivelul de vitalitate va fi mai ridicat. Ca sa vin in ajutorul celor care nu mai au variante de mancaruri de post, iata un meniu pentru 7 zile. Sper sa-ti fie de folos!
Dimineata – Sandvisuri cu pasta de avocado – delicioase si foarte sanatoase. Mixezi avocado, dupa ce il cureti si indepartezi samburele, pui cateva picaturi de zeama de lamaie, sare, piper, dupa gust si pasta e gata. Serveste pe maine prajita si adauga mix de seminte. Avocado e recomandat in prevenirea bolilor cardiovasculare.
Pranz – Supa de linte rosie si gulii umplute cu orez. Guliile umplute cu orez se prepara la fel ca ardeii sau dovleceii umpluti. Sunt cam piperate la pret, dar merita. Mentin sanatatea inimii, combat constipatia, pentru ca sunt bogate in fibre si contin vitamine din complexul B – bune pentru sistemul nervos. Supa de linte se prepara ca cea de fasole, insa ti-o recomand pentru ca are continut ridicat de fibre, fier, magneziu, fosfor si proteine si un continut scazut de grasimi.
Seara – Salata cu ciuperci proaspete sau fructe.
Dimineata – Budinca din fulgi de ovaz cu fructe. Se poate prepara cu lapte de soia si este foarte satioasa. La doua cani cu fulgi de ovaz adaugi doua cani cu lapte, mere rase, stafide, cocos si vanilie. Lasi un pic fulgii sa se inmoaie, apoi o pui intr-un vas uns cu ulei, la cuptor. Fulgii de ovaz contin proteine, minerale, fibre și vitamine. Excelenti pentru sanatate!
Pranz – Supa-crema de ciuperci, spaghete aglio, olio e peperoncino. Supa-crema de ciuperci se face rapid, pentru ca tot ce ai de facut este sa fierbi legumele si sa le dai prin blender. Inabusi apoi o ceapa (si un ardei capia daca vrei) si pui legumele mixate peste ea. Va fi la fel de buna ca cea cu smantana! Spaghetele aglio, olio e peperoncino se prepara simplu. Tot ce trebuie sa ai grija este sa nu arzi usturoiul. Dupa ce fierbi pastele, prepari intr-o tigaie sosul: sotezi cativa (3) catei de usturoi taiati marunt, ardei iute, iar apoi adaugi o legatura de patrunjel taiat marunt. Pui pastele peste sos si masa e gata!
Seara – Smoothie cu banane si pere, salata cu sfecla rosie si portocale. Pentru salata coace o sfecla sau doua, taie-le bucatele, pune si jumatate de portocala, apoi pregateste un dessing din otet balsamic, ulei de masline si suc de portocale. Poti adauga si doi catei de usturoi si patrunjel verde. Sfecla este o sursa excelenta de antioxidanti si vitaminele A, C, E, B1, B2, B2 si C.
Dimineata – Bruschete cu rosii si pate de ciuperci. Pentru bruschete se taie pulpa rosiilor cubulete, iar apoi o amesteci cu usturoi, sare, piper si un pic de ulei de masline. Nu uita de busuioc! Painea (de care preferi tu) se da la cuptor un sfert de ora. O poti unge cu putin ulei de masline, iar apoi asezi frumos rosiile deasupra.
Pateul de ciuperci se prepara din doua cepe, doi ardei, doi morcovi si usturoi pe care le pui la calit. Adaugi apoi ciupercile. Daca lasa prea multa apa, putem sa o mai scurgem. Tot amestecul se blenduieste pana obtinem o pasta omogena. E foarte bine sa consumi ciuperci in post pentru ca sunt o excelenta sursa de proteine.
Pranz – Supa azteca si gulas cu ciuperci. Supa azteca de post se face din legume, insa specificul ei este ca are in compozitie si fasole neagra, porumb, chimen macinat, boia iute si usturoi. Se acreste cu suc de malaie verde si se orneaza cu coriandru proaspat. Cat despre gulasul de ciuperci, acesta se prepara ca un gulas obisnuit, doar ca inclocuim carnea cu ciupercile.
Seara – Orez cu curry si gratar de tofu afumat, „chipsuri” din mere. Trebuie sa incerci tofu afumat la gratar! Este un preparat care te poate scoate din multe incurcaturi cand esti in pana de idei. Chipsurile din mere sunt bune pentru momentele cand simti nevoia sa rontai ceva. Sunt si o alternativa foarte sanatoasa. Tot ce ai de facut este sa tai merele rondele subtiri, sa le cureti de seminte, apoi sa le scufunzi in apa cu lamaie ca sa previi oxidarea. Le bagi la cuptor si sunt gata! Le poti aroma cu scortisoara, vanilie sau ce iti place tie mai mult.
Dimineata – Sandvisuri cu pasta de masline si o cana ceai negru cu lapte de migdale. Pasta de masline se prepara din doua sortimente de masline, capere, ulei de masline, usturoi, condimente. Este bine sa o prepari chiar tu, in casa, ca sa te asiguri ca e si proaspata si gustoasa.
Pranz – Supa de rosii cu crutoane, cartofi cu rozmarin. Supa de rosii o poti prepara foarte simplu in acest sezon si cu suc de rosii facut in casa (este mult mai gustoasa asa). Daca ii adaugi si un pic de busuioc proaspat cand o servesti e minunata! Pentru cartofii cu rozmarin ai nevoie doar de jumatate de kilogram de cartofi, un fir de rozmarin, sare, ulei de masline, boia si putin usturoi, daca iti place.
Seara – Salata de spanac cu avocado, mix de seminte si sos de rodie sau samburi de rodie. Untul vegetal, avocado, este foarte sanatos. Scade colesterolul „rau”, contine multe fibre, potasiu si luteina – buna pentru ochi. Este recomandat si pentru prevenirea cancerului la san.
Dimineata – Humus si cacao cu lapte vegetal.
Pranz – Cioba de loboda (merge si din congelator), varza de Bruxelles gratinata. Ciorba de loboda o poti prepara foarte usor, asa cum ti-am spus aici . Varza de Bruxelles este ideala pentru detoxifierea organismului. Te ajuta sa ai o piele frumoasa, dar si sa-ti mentii silueta. Ca sa o gratinezi nu trebuie decat sa o tii cateva minute pe foc, intr-o tigaie cu ulei de masline, iar apoi sa o dai la cuptor, stropita cu ulei si condimente (piper, chili sau orice altceva preferi).
Seara – Rulada cu spanac si porumb. Este o rulada usor de preparat. Se face o foaie simpla, ca de paine, pe care asezi apoi compozitia preparata in prealabil la wok. O ceapa doua, un morcov, un ardei se soteaza si se adauga apoi spanacul si porumbul. Este buna mai picanta.
Dimineata – File de somon afumat cu salata verde, bruschete cu ansoa. Acest tip de peste mic si deosebit de gustos protejeaza creierul de imbatranire si ajuta la pastrarea memoriei.
Pranz – Supa iute de creveti – Tom Yum Goong – e preferata mea!, ton in crusta de susan. Supa iute de creveti este specific thailandeza, iar in cazul meu a fost dragoste la prima degustare. Este adevarat ca ingredientele sunt cam scumpe si greu de gasit (iti trebuie lemongrass, ghimbir, lime, frunze de limeta kafru, galangal uscat), dar rezultatul este spectaculos. Ca sa prepari tonul poti amesteca susan alb cu susan negru. Este gustos si arata si foarte bine! Tonul il poti cumpara si congelat daca nu gasesti proaspat.
Seara – O portie baba ghanouj sau salata de fructe. Baba ghanouj se prepara din vinete coapte si tocate, pasta de susan, ulei, lamaie si un catel de usturoi.
Dimineata – Icre de stiuca, sandvisuri de andive cu pasta de peste. Andivele sunt recomandate pentru cei cu suferinte cardiace sau de rinichi. Sunt vitaminizante, remineralizante si tonice. Numai bune la micul dejun!
Pranz – Supa de peste cu fructe de mare, salau in sos de vin. Supa de peste este o alternativa la clasica ciorba cu care suntem noi obisnuiti. Va avea o savoare deosebita daca adaugati spre sfarsit, creveti si scoici. Fileurile de salau se rumenesc pe ambele parti, cateva minute, intr-o tigaie, apoi se adauga 150 ml de vin alb. Salaul este pestele cu carnea cea mai slaba, contine minerale, vitamine si bineinteles acizi grasi omega 3.
Seara – Salata de fasole boabe cu ardei copti si rucola. Este o salata consistenta si gustoasa, care combina textura cremoasa a fasolei cu prospetimea rucolei si gustul usor acid si dulceag al ardeiului copt. E minunata pentru o masa de post!
Iata o completare a meniului in cazul in care nu iti surad chiar toate variantele gasesti mai jos propuneri interesante zic eu dar si doua articole mai vechi cu meniuri de post care poate fi foarte utile. Vezi aici si aici!
Sa nu uitam ca postul Craciunului e postul bucuriei! Sa ne bucuram, asadar, de perioada aceasta atat de frumoasa din an si de mesele alaturi de cei dragi – fie ele si de post! Iar daca vrei detalii despre vreo reteta anume, sunt aici. Tu ai vreo mancare de post preferata?
EN Thea Gavril
During the fasting period, I hear a lot people complaining about not having anything to eat, or saying that nothing can satiate them and the food suitable for this period is worse than the usual.
I disagree with all of these statements. Why shouldn’t we have anything left to eat if we eliminate the meat and the dairy? We still have vegetables and, during the Christmas fasting period, you can eat fish during almost every Saturday and Sunday. Seafood can also be an option. And, after all, can we actually say that a serving of mashed beans with pickles is not enough? Or some cabbage rolls with rice, mushrooms and sun-flower seeds?
I believe that fasting meals can be various and really tasty. The most difficult part is breaking our daily habits, including the ones concerning our food. Also, we should eat not only what we enjoy, but also what is good for us – for our body and our soul.
With this occasion, we can eliminate the toxins from our body, and the level of vitality will be much higher.
I want to help the ones who ran out of inspiration for the fasting meals, so here you can see a menu for 7 days. I hope it will help you!
Breakfast – Avocado toast – delicious and very healthy.
You just have to peel the avocado, remove the pit and mix it with a few drops of lemon juice, salt and pepper to your liking and it’s ready! Serve it on toast and garnish it with a mix of seeds. Avocado helps prevent cadiovascular diseases.
Lunch – Red lentil soup and kohlrabies stuffed with rice
You can prepare the kohlrabies with rice just like you do with the stuffed peppers or zucchini. They are a bit pricey, but are worth it. Kohlrabies maintain the health of your heart, fight constipation because of the high levels of fibers and B vitamins and they aid the nervous system. The lentil soup is prepared like the one with beans, but I recommend it because it is rich in fibers, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and proteins, all while it has low levels of fats.
Salad with mushrooms or fruits.
Breakfast – Porridge with fruits
You can make the porridge with soy milk and it is very satiating. For every two cups of oat, you add two cups of milk, grated apples, raisins, coconut flakes and vanilla. You need to let the oat sit in the milk for a little bit and then you can place it in the oven. The oats contain proteins, minerals, fibers and vitamins. They are excellent for your health!
Lunch – Creamy mushroom soup; aglio, olio e peperoncino spaghetti.
The soup is quick and easy to make, as all you have to do is boil the vegetables and blend them. You stifle the onion (and pepper, if you like) and add them over the blend. It will be just as good as the one with sour cream! The aglio, olio e peperoncino spaghetti are easy to make. You just have to pay attention not to burn the garlic. After you boil the pasta, you can use the pan to prepare the sauce: saute a few (3) cloves of garlic, hot pepper and then add parsley. Place the pasta over the sauce and lunch is ready!
Dinner – Smoothie with bananas and pears; salad with red beet and oranges
For the salad, bake a beet or two, cut them in pieces and add half an orange. Prepare a dressing with vinegar, olive oil and orange juice. You can also add two cloves of garlic and fresh parsley. Beets are an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, C.
Breakfast – Bruschette with tomatoes and mushroom pate
You can start by cutting the peeled tomatoes and mix them with garlic, salt, pepper and a bit of olive oil. Don’t forget the basil! Pick the bread you like and place it in the oven for 15 minutes. You can oil the slices and put on the diced tomatoes. The mushroom pate is made with two onions, two peppers, two carrots and garlic, all of which you saute. Then, you add the mushrooms. You can drain the mixture if it is too watery. Next, you blend it until smooth. It’s indicated to consume mushrooms during the fasting period because they are an excellent source of proteins.
Lunch – Aztec soup and goulash with mushrooms
The Aztec soup is made with vegetables, but the original version also contains black beans, corn, ground cumin, pepper and garlic. You can make it more sour with lime juice and add some fresh coriander. The mushroom goulash is made just like the regular goulash, but we will switch the meat with the mushrooms.
Dinner – Curry with rice, grilled tofu and apple “chips”.
You have to try the grilled smoked tofu! It can save you a lot of time and thought when you’re out of ideas.
The apple chips are great when you feel the need to munch on something. Also, they are a healthy alternative to the regular chips. All you have to do is cut thin slices of apples, remove the seeds and cover them in lemon juice to prevent oxidation. Place them in the oven and they’re ready! You can flavour them with cinnamon, vanilla or whatever you like the most.
Breakfast – Sandwiches with olive paste and a cup of black tea with almond milk.
The olive paste is made with two types of olives, capers, olive oil, garlic and condiments. It’s best when you make it yourself, so you can make sure it’s fresh and tasty.
Lunch – Tomato soup with croutons; rosemary potatoes. The tomato soup can be made with homemade tomato juice (it’s tastier this way). Add a bit of fresh basil and it will be amazing! For the rosemary potatoes you’ll only need half a kilogram of potatoes, rosemary, salt, olive oil, pepper and garlic to your liking.
Dinner – Spinach salad with avocado, a mix of nuts and pomegranate.
The vegetal butter, avocado, is really healthy. It brings down the cholesterol levels and it contains fibers, potassium and lutein. It’s also recommended in the prevention of breast cancer.
Breakfast – Hummus, cocoa with vegetal milk
Lunch – Amaranth soup and Brussels Sprouts
I have already told you my recipe for the amaranth soup, and now I’m going to tell you the one for the Brussels sprouts. They are ideal for the detoxification of our bodies, they are also helping you have smooth skin and an ideal silhouette. You have to keep the sprouts over fire in a pan with olive oil for a few minutes, and then cover them with pepper, chilli or any other condiment you prefer, and put them in the oven.
Dinner – Spinach and corn roll
This one is easy to make. You just have to make a thin layer of dough, on which you will later place the composition made in the wok. You saute an onion or two, a carrot, a pepper and then the spinach and corn. It’s the best when it’s spicy.
Breakfast – Smoked salmon with green salad and bruschette with anchovies.
This little fish is incredibly tasty and it also protects your brain and memory.
Lunch – Spicy shrimp soup – Tom Yum Goong – it’s my favourite! – and tuna with sesame.
The spicy shrimp soup is a Thai food, and in my case, it was love at first sight (or tasting). It is true that the ingredients are a bit expensive and hard to come by (you’ll need lemongrass, ginger, lime, kafru leaves and dried galangal), but the result is spectacular. For the tuna, you need to mix the white and black sesame. It’s tasty and it looks really well! You can also get frozen tuna if you can’t find the fresh one.
Dinner – A serving of Baba Ghanouj or fruit salad.
You can make the baba ghanouj with baked eggplants, sesame paste, oil, lemon and a garlic clove.
Breakfast – Roes, sandwiches with fish paste and endives. Endives are good for the ones with cardiac issues or kidney problems. They are full of vitamins and minerals. Perfect for breakfast!
Lunch – Soup with fish and seafood.
The fish soup is an alternative to our regular soups. It will have a special flavour if you add the shrimp and mussels towards the end. In a pan, you roast the perch on both sides and you add 150ml of white wine.
Dinner – Beans salad with baked peppers and arugula. This is a consistent and tasty salad, which combines the smooth texture of the beans with the freshness of the arugula and the sweet, but a bit acid, taste of the baked pepper. It’s wonderful for a fasting meal!
Let’s not forget that the Christmas fasting period is the fasting of joy! Let’s be thankful for this wonderful time of the year and for the meals with our loved ones. If you want more details about a certain recipe, I’m here. Do you have a favourite fasting meal?
Foto: Stefan Popescu
7 thoughts on “Meniu de post pentru o saptamana”
Bune recomandarile dar unele nici nu stim ce inseamna (explica le) si pestele ,icrele nu sunt de post!
În postul Crăciunului, sâmbătă și duminica este dezlegare la peste și vin.
Foarte bune recomandarile! Eu oricum nu prea mananc carne, ma satur cu salate, legume etc., in sensul ca imi si plac mult, sunt obisnuita asa. :)
Chiar imi prinde foarte bine acest meniu pentru o saptamana propus de tine!Eu tin post.Am avut voie multe zile la rand peste,dar in rest imi fac salate sau cartofi cu coaja si cu sare si ii bag in cuptor fara ulei si ii las pana se coc.Spanac mi-am facut cu lapte de orz,orez cu legume.Doamne!Chiar sunt multe posibilitati in ziua de astazi.
Super articolul, chiar aveam o mare problema cu chestia asta; nu puteam sa gasesc formula care sa tina de foame, sa fie si de post, sa fie si buna.
Iata un meniu de post ce poate fii adoptat in orice perioada a anului !!! Miaaam !!!
Bon appétit bien sûr !
Vacanta placuta in continuare.
Ma bucur ca iti place. Tu ce mananci de post?