Nu stiu cum se face, dar mereu am impresia ca trebuie „sa fur” putin timp pentru placerile mele, mai mult sau mai putin vinovate. Suntem, in general, atat de ocupati incat pentru lucrurile care ne fac placere nu mai gasim timp. Insa, ti-am mai zis si cu alta ocazie, eu nu ma resemnez. Indiferent cat de ocupata as fi, reusesc cumva sa includ in viata mea si astfel de momente, pentru ca mi s-ar parea nefiresc sa traiesc cu o astfel de frustrare. Si iata cum imi fac timp si de iesiri cu prietenii si de stat la taclale cu un ceai sau o cafea in fata, de plimbari, de yoga si meditatie si de vizionat filme si seriale. Ba chiar, scriind aceste randuri ma gandeam ca bine fac ca nu ma plang. In viitorul apropiat s-ar putea sa nu mai dispun pentru mine nici de timpul pe care l-am avut pana acum. Dar, oricum, de-abia astept sa fiu ocupata cu fetita mea!
Dupa cele cateva zile de respiro pe care le-am avut de Paste, am intrat iar în cursa contracronometru. Am filmari, repetitii, sedinte foto si, in plus, scriu si la lucrarea de licenta, pentru ca anul acesta termin cea de-a doua facultate. Asa vin la mine – toate odata! 😊 Ma gandeam la toate astea pentru ca astazi a inceput sezonul al doilea din The Handmaid’s Tale, pe care nu o sa-l ratez, orice ar fi!
Nu stiu daca ai vazut primul sezon. Eu l-am vizionat fara sa respir, ca sa zic asa, pe HBO GO, unde a aparut acum al doilea sezon. Mi s-a parut extraordinar de bine facut! Este cu Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski si Max Minghella in rolurile principale si nu degeaba a luat Globul de Aur, anul acesta, pentru cel mai bun serial de televiziune. Iar Elisabeth Moss a primit Globul de Aur pentru cea mai buna actrita dintr-un serial tv.
Citisem cartea lui Margaret Atwood inainte si am fost curioasa sa vad si ecranizarea. Romanul este un bestseller international, care a castigat premii literare importante si a avut o influenta culturala uluitoare. A fost facut si film, iata, acum serialul, am citit ca a ajuns si pe scenele marilor teatre si a fost realizata chiar și o piesa radiofonica! Fenomenul „Handmaid’s Tale”! Nici nu stiu sa-ti spun exact care este punctul forte ale serialului, pentru ca, de la jocul actorilor, la imagine, fiecare detaliu este lucrat exceptional! Rosul acela intens pe care-l folosesc sugereaza atat de multe! Iar povestea este fascinata, desi lumea pe care o prezinta este o teocratie, in care mai ales femeile si-au pierdut orice drepturi si libertati. Casta slujitoarelor, de exemplu, din care face parte si protagonista reduce femeile la statutul de „utere umblatoare”. Dar, in cazul in care nu ai urmarit deja serialul, trebuie sa vezi macar trailerul, ca sa intelegi exact la ce ma refer. Nu vreau sa dezvalui mai mult, ca sa nu-ti stric placerea de a vedea serialul. Nici nu mai e mult pana diseara cand planuiesc sa nu fac altceva decat sa savurez serialul meu preferat.
Daca vrei sa-l vezi si tu, mie mi se par foarte confortabile, din toate punctele de vedere, conditiile de la HBO GO. In sensul ca premiera serialului e in acelasi timp ca in Statele Unite, prima luna de testare e gratuita, iar apoi platesti exact cat pentru un bilet la cinematograf, 20 de lei pe luna. Aici iti faci cont!
Eu sunt, in general, o „devoratoare” de filme si seriale, iar in ultima vreme le-am acordat inca si mai mult timp ca inainte. Facand o comparatie cu tot ce-am vazut pana acum, „Handmaid’s Tale” este de departe in topul favoritelor mele! Si voi avea si timp sa-l vad pe indelete, ca vine vacanta de 1 mai.
Tu obisnuiesti sa te uiti la seriale? Ce serial bun ai vazut in ultima vreme? Nu cred ca mi-au scapat foarte multe dintre cele care merita vazute, dar o recomandare imi prinde bine intotdeauna! Asta e una dintre placerile mele nevinovate si utile, pentru ca ma ajuta in meseria mea.
Va las cu trailerele serialului meu preferat:
Trailerul sezonului 2
Recapitularea sezonului 1
EN: Thea Gavril
I don’t know why this happens, but I always feel the need to “steal” a little bit of time for my pleasures, which are more or less guilty ones.
We are usually so busy, that we can’t seem to find the time for the things we like. However, I’ve already told you I don’t back down. No matter how busy I am, I somehow manage to include such moments in my life, because it would seem unusual to live with such frustrations. And, even now, I can make time to go out with my friends, chat and have a tea or a coffee, go on walks, do yoga and meditate, watch movies and series. While I’m writing this, I’m thinking about how I shouldn’t complain. In the near future, I might not have the little time for myself that I had until now. Anyway, I can’t wait to be occupied with my daughter! After the respiro days I had for Easter, I re-entered the counter-clock race. I had things to film, photoshootings and, on top of that, I have to write for my college degree, because I’ll be graduating from my second college this year. This is how they come my way – all of them at once! 😊
I was thinking about all those things because today aired the second season of The Handmaid’s Tale, and I’m not going to miss it!
I don’t know if you watched the first season. I binge-watched it on HBO GO. I thought it was extremely well created! The cast is made up of Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski and Max Minghella, and its award for the best TV series was well deserved. Elisabeth Moss was awarded the Golden Globe for the best actress in a TV show.
I read Margaret Atwood’s book and was curious to see its ecranisation. The book is an international bestseller, which won important literary awards and had a great cultural influence.
They have already turned the book into a movie, now into a series and I read that it has reached the stages of important theatres and even a radiophonic play! I can’t tell you what the best part of the series is, because, starting from how the actors play, to the image, each detail is exceptional! The intense red they use suggests so much! And the story is fascinating, even though the world they present is a theocracy, in which women lost all of their rights and freedoms.
The servant caste, for example, is home to the protagonist and it reduces women to the state of “walking uteruses”. If you didn’t watch the series, you have to at least watch the trailer, so you understand exactly what I mean. I don’t want to spoil the pleasure of watching it for you. It’s not long until tonight, when I plan on doing nothing but enjoy my favourite series.
If you want to watch it too, I think that HBO GO provides you with the most comfortable conditions. The show airs at the same time as in the US, you have a month of free-trial and then you have to pay exactly as much as you would pay for a ticket at the movie theatre – 20 lei.
I am a huge fan of movies and series and, lately, I watched them even more than before. Comparing everything I’ve ever seen before, “Handmaid’s Tale” has to be part of my favourites! And I will have the time to enjoy it during the 1st of May holiday. Do you usually watch series? Did you find any good ones lately? I don’t think I missed a lot of the ones worth seeing, but a recommandation is always welcome! This is one of my pleasures, and it’s not guilty, but even useful for my job.