Intotdeauna am fost de parere ca masajul nu este neaparat un rasfat, cat o necesitate, mai ales in vremurile pe care le traim noi. Acumulam atata tensiune de la stresul zilnic, stam incordati, nu reusim sa facem miscare cat ne-ar fi necesar asa incat nu de putine ori ne pomenim cu dureri in tot corpul. Am descoperit de multa vreme ce efect uluitor poate avea o sedinta de masaj asupra trupului si starii de spirit – facut de cineva care chiar se pricepe, bineinteles. Drept urmare, nu am renuntat la masaj nici pe perioada sarcinii (mai putin in primul trimestru cand nu am facut). Lasa, sa se bucure si fata mea de relaxare si rasfat! Glumesc, insa ceea ce spun contine si un mare adevar. Masajul face bine oricarei persoane, ne ajuta sanatatea. Insa pentru viitoarele mamici este de-a dreptul extraordinar! Iata 7 beneficii ale masajului prenatal:
1. Masajul imbunatateste circulatia sangelui asa incat corpul beneficiaza de o cantitate mai mare de oxigen si nutrienti. Aceasta este valabil si pentru mama si pentru copil. Din aceasta cauza spuneam ca atunci cand fac masaj ma gandesc si la binele fetitei mele.
2. Sistemul imunitar se fortifica prin masaj, pentru ca este stimulat sistemul limfatic, iar toxinele sunt mai usor eliminate din organism.
3. O neplacere in sarcina sunt durerile de muschi si articulatii sau cele sciatice (in ultimele luni de sarcina). Daca femeile insarcinate ar sti cat de mult ajuta masajul in combaterea acestor neplaceri ar da toate fuga la masaj! Tensiunile din muschi si articulatii se amelioreaza si chiar pot disparea. Insa, e adevarat, numai cu masaj regulat.
4. Masajul actioneaza ca un calmant al sistemului nervos, iar in perioada sarcinii avem mare nevoie de asa ceva! Suntem intr-o situatie noua, nu stim ce si cum va fi, fluctuatiile hormonale nu ne ajuta deloc, iar peste toate astea se adauga grijile de zi cu zi. Si totusi – traim o minune! Langa inima noastra putem simti pulsand inima copilului. Vrem sa-i oferim ce este mai bun. De ce sa simtă nelinistea inca de acum, ca si cand lumea in care se va naste e un loc neprimitor, plin de primejdii? Sa facem strict cat tine de noi sa ne linistim. Iar masajul chiar ajuta, pentru ca in timpul unei astfel de sedinte eliberam endorfine si astfel este diminuat stresul, dormim mai bine, iar digestia este si ea in parametri optimi.
5. Se spune ca masajul mentine sanatatea cardiovasculara si previne depresia si anxietatea pentru ca ne stabilizeaza nivelurile hormonale.
6. Nu numai in timpul sarcinii, dar mai ales atunci, masajul ne ajuta sa ne pastram elasticitatea pielii, tonusul muscular si previne celulita si vergeturile.
7. Si nu in ultimul rand – cel putin asta spun specialistii – masajul diminueaza durerile in timpul travaliului, usureaza nasterea si recuperarea ulterioara a organismului.
Pana la urma cel mai important lucru este sa faci ce simti. Invata sa-ti asculti organismul pentru ca el este cel care iti ofera cele mai multe informatii despre starea ta de fapt.
Tu obisnuiesti sa faci masaj? Ti se pare folositor?
P.s: Eu merg la Thaico Spa, un loc pe care-l recomand din suflet. O sa iti placa cu siguranta. Terapeutele asiatice stiu exact cum sa faca sa te relaxezi si sa ajungi sa te conectezi la trupul tau in modul cel mai firesc si natural cu putinta!
En Thea Gavril
I have always considered that massage is not a treat, but a necessity, in our times. We add up so much tension from the daily stress, we are uptight and can’t manage to exercise enough, which often leads to pains all over our body. It’s been a long time since I discovered the amazing effect a massage session can have over the body and the state of mind – of course, done by somebody who is good at it.
As a result, I didn’t give up on massages during pregnancy (except for the first trimester). Why not let my girl enjoy some relaxation and pampering as well? I am joking, but what I am saying also contains a great truth. Massage is beneficial for every person, because it aids our health. However, it’s extraordinary for future moms! Here you can see 7 benefits of the pre-natal massage:
1. Massages improve the blood circulation, so our bodies benefit from a larger quantity of oxigen and nutrients. It is valid for both the mother and the child. This is why I was telling you I am also thinking about the sake of my daughter.
2. Our immune system is strenghtened through massage because the lymphatic system is stimulated and the toxins are removed from our bodies more easily.
3. A discomfort during pregnancy are the muscle pains or the sciatic ones (during the last months of pregnancy). If all the expecting women knew how much massage can fight them, they would all hurry to book an appointment! The pressure in the muscles and joints lowers and can even disappear. However, this is possible with regular sessions of massage.
4. Massage can help the nervous system, which we really need during this period! We are in a new situation, we don’t know what is next, the hormones are not helping us, and you can top all of these with the daily stress. Anyway – we are living a miracle! Next to our heart, we can feel the beating one of our child. We only want to offer to them what is best. Why should we let them feel the uneasiness, as if the world they will be born into is unwelcoming and full of dangers? We need to do what is up to us to calm down, and massage actually helps! During a session, we release endorphins, let out the stress, which leads to a better sleep and digestion.
5. It is said that massage maintains the cardiovascular health and it prevents depression and anxiety, because it stabilizes the hormonal levels.
6. Not only during pregnancy, but especially then, massage helps maintain the elasticity of the skin, the muscular tone and it prevents cellulite and stretch marks.
7. Also, the specialists say that massage lowers the pain during labour, eases the birth and the postnatal recovery.
After all, the most important thing is to do what you feel is right. Learn to listen to your body, because it is the best source of information about your state.
Do you usually get massages? Do you find them useful?
P.S.: I go to Thaico Spa, a place I highly recommend. I am sure you will like it. The Asian therapists know exactly how to make you relax and connect to your body in the most natural way!
2 thoughts on “Jurnal de sarcina: Masajul Prenatal”
Superb mesaj. O sa țin cont de aceste beneficii atunci când o sa fiu și eu însărcinată 😊 mulțumesc și iubesc ceea ce transmiți 😉
Cu mare drag. Eu iti multumesc pentru vizita :)